Anointed Healthcare Group

Let’s Help Them Together

The hospice philosophy is a belief that everyone has the right to peace, dignity, and quality of life when facing a life limiting illness.

Hospice care treats the whole person and symptoms of the disease while providing physical, emotional, and spiritual support to the patients and their families.

Hospice care is provided by an interdisciplinary team that exercises compassion and respect for the patient’s desires for this chapter in their life journey. The interdisciplinary team consists of the hospice medical director, attending physician (a patient’s preferred physician may stay involved in their patients care if the patient and physician choose), nurse, social worker, chaplain, home health aide, and volunteers.

The hospice team makes regular visits based on your personal plan of care to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to the patient by monitoring pain, managing symptoms, addressing nutritional and emotional needs, and offering support to the patient and family.

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When is The Right Time
For Hospice?


Hospice is for patients and families who have made the personal decision to no longer pursue aggressive or curative treatment of a life limiting illness and instead focus on comfort, quality of life, and time with family and friends.

Deciding the right time to elect a hospice is a personal choice. The right time for discussing the options available through hospice is NOW.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, there may come a time when efforts to slow or cure the illness are no longer effective or have become more painful or harmful than beneficial or effective.

Although the conversation regarding hospice care may be difficult to discuss, one of the best actions you can take for yourself and your loved ones is to understand what hospice is and what hospice is not before you are in a crisis.

The earlier we can provide information on hospice or provide hospice care, the greater impact we can provide on ensuring quality of life during this chapter of your health care journey.

At Anointed Hospice, we understand that choosing hospice care for yourself or your loved one is a deeply personal and important decision.

We are honored to provide dignified and compassionate care to individuals and families throughout Texas. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, ensuring comfort, peace, and the highest quality of life during this journey.

Why Choose Anointed Home Health Care?

Compassionate and Experienced Staff

Our team comprises skilled professionals who are passionate about delivering exceptional care with compassion, empathy, and respect.

Individualized Care Plans

We understand that everyone's needs are unique. Our care plans are customized to address your specific goals and promote your overall well-being.

Commitment to Excellence

We strive for excellence in everything we do. Our commitment to providing high-quality care is evident in our attention to detail, adherence to best practices, and continuous professional development.

Flexibility and Convenience

We bring our services directly to your home, eliminating the need for unnecessary travel and providing care on your schedule.

Transparent Communication

We value open and honest communication with our clients and their families. We keep you informed and involved in every step of your care journey.

Comprehensive Care Coordination

We collaborate closely with your healthcare team, including doctors, therapists, and specialists, to ensure a seamless continuum of care.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hospice care is a specialized form of medical care focused on providing comfort, pain management, and emotional support to individuals with life-limiting illnesses. Hospice care aims to improve quality of life for patients and their families, emphasizing dignity and compassion.

Hospice care is a specialized form of medical care focused on providing comfort, pain management, and emotional support to individuals with life-limiting illnesses. Hospice care aims to improve quality of life for patients and their families, emphasizing dignity and compassion.

Hospice care is a specialized form of medical care focused on providing comfort, pain management, and emotional support to individuals with life-limiting illnesses. Hospice care aims to improve quality of life for patients and their families, emphasizing dignity and compassion.

What Patients Are Saying About Their Home Health Experience

Testimonials From Our
Valued Clients


"I can't express enough gratitude for the compassionate care my mother received during her time on hospice. The team went above and beyond to make her comfortable and supported our entire family through this difficult journey."

Sarah P.

We spread love to make living easy and happy.